Otyat "The Duck" meets "Lawrence of Arabia"

Day 1,746, 05:36 Published in Saudi Arabia Israel by otyat

Otyat “the Duck” meets Lawrence of Arabia...Part 1


Well hello there, for my next project I have decided to try something different and that is a bit of script writing or should I say re-writing of the old Movie Classic “Lawrence of Arabia” , for thoese of the Arabian world who have not seen it………..it’s about an “English guy”, who more due to his “madness” rather than his “skin colour”, causes trouble in this part of the world during the first world war.....enough said.

The Script

Well the script re-write will have “Action” , “Romance” ( I have not forgotten the ladies),“ Deserts” (Pretty hard to miss them out),Fashion, (don’t ask) and lots of my silly humor…..which I know will not suit everyone, but hey that’s life.

It will be done over the next few weeks by taking some scenes from the film and having a bit of fun, as in writing a new script to suit them. Now this was only possible due to a “New Star” called Oytat “the Duck” who will co-star’s alongside Mr Lawrences as his new “best” friend.

The Soundtrack & the Arabian World

Here is the link to the “Soundtrack” to the movie, the background is NOT that of the movie, but instead it shows the beautiful “Heart of Arabia……..and what really makes us as "ONE" and yet different from the rest of e-world………so enjoy.


Finally, the nice thing about free press, sometimes you can just put something in to reflect your state of mind...........here is mine.......LOL

The Madness of it all

"You wonder what I am doing? Well, so do I, in truth. Days seem to dawn, suns to shine, evenings to follow, and then I sleep. What I have done, what I am doing, what I am going to do, puzzle and bewilder me. Have you ever been a leaf and fallen from your tree in autumn and been really puzzled about it? That's the feeling.

Till next we talk Arabia.
