Ostin & Recent Events

Day 1,376, 21:26 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

1. Citizenship:

Citizenship was closed ONLY IN JULY period.

(when a change from congress to congress new-old) decision / policy is no longer valid


This month congress meeting happened yesterday.
Also those citizens were strong citizens, they want to help Indonesia by fighting for us . They are all from allied countries and they also want to develop business in Indonesia, which means more taxes for Indonesia and more people fighting for us.

A lot of our friends wants to move to Indonesia to develop their business.
They can help bring more revenue to our economy and we will get more strength to fight for us.

Is it not required?

Indonesia has earned a reputation that it only fights for herself and not for allies, as after Argentina we do not have close allies, this is what other country says about us. and closing Citizenship is adding fuel to the fire even more.

We have very good bonus and very few countries has that, so yes we need to be careful about accepting but we should not deny it also.

Also i am not the only person to Accept CS yesterday:
Tripletrack did it too

2. Personal Grudges:
Koye has PERSONAL GRUDGES against me so he decided to do anything and everything to bring a bad name to me.
He is sad that he cant write one International article like me.

3. MOFA + Congress:

Can anyone show me a rule ON PAPERS where it mentions that you can not be MOFA and Congress at same time.

I was MOFA + Congress before two times before also.

4. MPP:
We lost 3 powerful MPP (Turk+Serb+Hung) since our new CP decided to NE Thailand without consulting other members and attacked Thai.
Even Thai gov was not informed.

Enemies can attack Indo in this vulnerable moment since the three countries are our good allies and powerful countries.

What if eChina, eAussie, eBra + Rws attack today???

Its sad when you played for Indo for 3+ years then when people say nasty things on Comments + Pms + Articles

It hurts......
