Order day 385 - the March continues!

Day 385, 09:10 Published in Sweden Sweden by TSM's Nyhetskanal

För svenska - se slutet! VOTE THIS UP😁

Yesterday night the well known terror organization A.D.M.I.N. managed to strike against the Oval Office. Danny was there - officially alone - rumour says he had company by Monique a young trainee who apparently had dropped somehting under Dannys desk.

Anyway, Danny managed to (pull his pants up and?) defeat the terrorists with a couple of Mutiny Kicks that would made even Frozen4 proud.

Danny will soon start an attack on a new region - he had just some unfinished business to take care of if I interpret him correctly. I'll should be more than done by eRepublik time 10:00, CET 19:00 said the President with a grin.

This is the Order for Day 385 of the New Worl😛
Soldiers of the GRREAT Swedish, Romanian and Finnish Army, fighters extraordinarrie!

Fight down to 40-50% Wellness, use Hospital to Heal and call it for today. A new day begin at eRepublik time 00:00 and CET 09:00. So you will have time to fight both today and tomorrow in this region and use Hopital to heal both days.
Fight restarts at CET 19:00 or eRepublik time 10:00.

Do not fight in the Reistance War in Poland - Poland have the blessing by the Swedish government to.

Swedish Paratrooper, mail order brides shows the Mutiny Kick March!

På Svenska!
Order, Mandag, 9 december!
Strid i regionen i kriget mellan Sverige och Frankrike, strid tills din wellness ar nere kring 40-50%, Heala med Sjukhus - Klart for idag - TACK!

Kriget startar kl 19:00 idag, måndag!

Kriga inte i Frihetskriget mot Polen! Polackerna ska få ta tillbaka den regionen har Riksdagen beslutat.
