Opportunity for Ireland

Day 746, 08:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Theus Jackus

Hello there gentle folk of Ireland, long time no see (Well at least in article format, if you're on the IRC, different story). As many of you may know, I moved to the UK for about two months to learn many lessons for the glorious nation of Ireland. I have had to bear many hardships, including being tattooed by British Immigration as a no-good potato picking paddy (which I still haven’t been able to remove). But all of these hardships were worth it, as I achieved my goal of learning valuable military lessons within eRepublik, many of which can be directly applied into Ireland's current circumstances.

I'm sure many of you have heard over the past month or so about the gentle destruction of a little known alliance called Peace GC (unless you've been living under a rock or something). This was saddening for me as I saw the alliance as the last symbol of a simpler time some older folk may remember called Beta. Alas, eRepublik is about development and evolution and I waited for the return of this old giant, hoping for it to re-emerge as something much bigger and better than before. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait for very long for its return.

A new successor alliance to Peace GC known as Phoenix has emerged in the last few days, with many former Peace Nations joining its ranks. Phoenix of course is a fitting name, a mythical firebird that has a lengthy life cycle ending in self-immolation, succeeded by a younger and stronger creature to rise from its ashes to carry on its legacy. One of the nations that happen to be joining is our best friend in eRepublik, the United Kingdom. The UK has been engaging in a very rash fashion lately, a demeanor that from an external viewpoint could be viewed as "Expansionist", one that I can say from an internal viewpoint as "Ingenious"

See Ladies & Gentlemen, war is a very necessary part of eRepublik. Not so we can engage in World Domination, not see we can say “My country is better than yours”, not so we can garner all the riches of this universe. The war module is there to prevent a terrible thing happening to any person, Boredom. Let’s remember people, eRepublik is a game and games are meant to be fun and what’s more fun than kicking another country’s arse (contradiction I know)

I want to now draw your attention away from our East Border, to our West Border to a country that a small amount of people may have heard of called America. America has been very nice to us lately; we've also been very decent to them. We invade the city of Providence every two days; in return we get constant war, experience and a good reputation with the nations of Eden. However, where I want to look at is not the present situation of America, but the future situation of America.

The implementation of Presidential Goals by the Admins two weeks ago was seen as unnecessary by many, for the most part I would firmly agree. Gross Domestic Product formulas in the games are inaccurate and volatile, population increase dwarfed by the need for better population retention but the ability to see a Candidate's foreign policy is more than necessary in my eyes. The frontrunner (and current leader of the election as of 15:30 GMT) is a man called Jewitt. He like many other candidates has addressed these Presidential Goals, mainly to humour voters, but in his Foreign Policy he lists the regions he wants to control as "Northern Ireland" and "London".

What this means, is that an American invasion of the United Kingdom may be on the cards. This means that we will be legally required to fight for the British under a document called the Raleigh Treaty. While many people seem to be convinced that there is a clause that says we aren’t required to fight in the event of an American Invasion, a quick read through will show you there is no such thing. This means we will have a choice between fighting for the UK, neutrality or fighting for the US. *EDIT* Apparently the Raleigh Treaty I looked at was the unofficial one*EDIT*

While many of our more "Republican" population may see this as a godsend to beat the shit out of the British bastards, many people who supported Peace may see this as a chance to solidify our stance of being Pro-Phoenix. I see this as a general opportunity for Ireland. Let’s take a look at the three options we have been presented with.

OPTION 1: Fight for the British
-Increase relationship with the British
-Leave window open for future admission to Phoenix

-Close door to the future admission to Eden
-War games will most likely cease

OPTION 2: Stay Neutral
-By staying neutral, we would decrease the chance of any reprimands
-We would solidify our neutral stance

-Break the terms of the Raleigh Treaty – Treaty Dissolved – UK relations damaged
-UK won’t defend us if we get invaded in the future

OPTION 3: Fight for the US
-Leave window open for future admission to Eden
-Increase relations with the US
-Possible region swap of Northern Ireland to our country

-Piss off British
-Close door to Phoenix admission

The next government has a very large decision on their hands. Each option I have presented has their advantages and their disadvantages. Each person will go for a different option and I want to know what you would do in this situation. Leave a comment below saying which option you would go for and why or you could just flame me. I will be writing many articles like this soon, so if you like this one, remember to subscribe. Also, VOTE THIS ARTICLE

Theus Jackus