Opinion about the hacked bank account

Day 1,046, 04:39 Published in Czech Republic Serbia by Re_Niew

Dear Czech citizens and CSR citizens,

"New Czech Bank 47 minutes ago
This bank is seized in the name of the Czech People."

All golds and CZKs from the account of New Czech Bank disappeared due to some hacker who used monetary market to take that money away.

I guess you all know that i'm not a big fan of socialism and i'm one of the leaders of opposite, but i need to admit that this act hurts me bad. I have no idea who committed the stealing, I have no intention to accuse anybody and I also have no proof to do so.
I can only say that I feel sympathy with the owners of the New Czach Bank. May it be the bank of communists, our opponents, it's still their well-earned money. They didn't stole it so they have the right to use it for their aims.
I don't know who stole the money, but shame on him. This is not the way I'd like to play. I believe that in this game, we should play fair, we shouldn't steal each other's money. I disapprove such an violent act and I call the admin team to investigate this case as fast as they can.
