Operation: Righty Tighty

Day 420, 18:41 Published in USA USA by Leviathann

The fractured nature of the political right in eAmerica has given the liberals free reign to do as they please, much to our, or at least my, dismay. I hope I'm not the only one that sees that something needs to be done...

Case in point, we have the Conservatives, Nationalists, Federalists, Whigs, and, arguably, the Libertarians. All with conservative ideals and serious political aspirations yet stifled by lack of cohesion.

The Left share these problems but overcome them by shear numbers that we, the right, appear not to have when in actuality we do and in fact we have many more, they are just allocated in too many different parties.

I understand that each party has differing beliefs which is great, the best way to solve problems is bringing different ideas to the table but it does no good when these ideas are locked up in different groups that remain in competition with one another.

We need to pool our resources together to defeat the left. I would like start a committee composed of citizens that are dedicated to conservative unity and ideally, members from each of eAmerica's right-wing parties, parties that would like to dedicate a portion of their effort towards dominating the left so that we may devise a comprehensive plan for the political right in this country.