Opening Message from Chairman Jamarcus

Day 982, 17:13 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org
This is the Knesset opening message from Jamarcus, republished from the official eIsrael forums. A Hebrew translation will be published shortly. Please help vote this up so everyone knows what the Knesset will be up to this month.

Thank you all for your support in the race for Chairman. Now that the opening formalities of the session are over, it is time to get to work!

First, these will be the committee chairs and duties:

Foreign Affairs: Ohad Sella
- The Foreign Affairs committee will be in charge of the legislative side of maintaining and building healthy and beneficial relationships with other eCounties. They will review MPPs, embargos, declarations of war, and overall relations, and they will make recommendations to the Chairman and Knesset about how eIsrael should act on these things. The chair of this committee must work closely with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to ensure that both the committee and the ministry are working towards the same goals.

Finance: CRoy
- The Finance committee will be looking over the tax structure, the budget, and the economic climate of the country. During this session, they will be in charge of reviewing the kibbutz economic model in order to decide if it can or should be applied to the whole country. The chair of the committee is tasked with reaching out to citizens and businesses in order to include their thoughts and opinions on taxation issues. Duplicate threads of private Knesset tax debates should be made on the public Knesset board as much as possible.

Defence: Thain
- The Defense committee is charged with coordinating closely with the eIDF to ensure that proper funding, organization, staffing, and soldiers are in place. All members should be signed up as reservists (cannot leave the country to fight). The chair of the committee should spend this month working closely with the General of the eIDF to make sure that re-building is going along well.

Immigration: Daniel HaChawer
- The Immigration committee is charged with reviewing citizenship applications. eIsrael needs more active citizens. As such, it is important that the lengthy citizenship application process (contact, survey, live interview) be reformed. Any application receiving a recommendation by a respected eIsraeli citizen should be fast tracked. Full live interviews should only be required in the case of extreme uncertainty of the applicant. The chair of this committee will be in charge of encouraging immigration to eIsrael from other countries and in working to bring new players to the game. They may make funding requests to the IFD for eRep ads to encourage these things.

Next, CRoy, Thain and matanb will be Deputy Chairmen. They represent unity among eIsrael's major parties. They'll run the day to day operations of the Knesset, will help settle disputes between KMs, and write articles to explain what the Knesset is working on. When important votes or debates are being held, they'll be responsible for getting out the word to all KMs.

Next, I'd like to propose the creating of a Wiki Committee. This committee would be in charge of helping to maintain updated wiki pages related to eIsrael. The Chair will be in charge of creating a large list of eIsraeli related wiki pages and determining how often each should be updated and maintained. The Chair should be someone who is familiar with using Wikis and should already have a wiki account (since it can sometimes take a long time to get wiki account approval). At first, the Chair will be the only person officially allowed to edit pages, but as more people get access and learn to make proper edits, committee members will be responsible for updating certain pages. If anyone would like to Chair this committee or be a member, please send me a PM. This committee will conduct it's work on the public Knesset board (a sub-board will be made just like committees in the Private Knesset board).

Lastly, I hope that all of us can work together to make this a very productive session. We have faced some tough times lately, but the tide is beginning to turn. We now have a war to fight in, for the first time in a while, the economy is slowly picking up, and the country is unified behind next month's Presidential candidate. Let's keep this momentum up and keep working hard for this country. If the work we do here can improve the lives of eIsraeli citizens, even if only by a tiny amount, then it is work worth doing.

- Jamarcus">