Open Letter To Ukrainian President

Day 555, 09:49 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Danylo Halytskyj

Just as once the cossacks wrote a letter to the sultan I am taking this opportunity to continue this tradition by writing an open letter to the Ukrainian president and his Hungarian controlled government.

We are at a major crossroads here. Hungary has a chnace to become a friend to Ukraine or to become a bitter enemy. Ukraine has been ravaged by war and wants nothing more than to be left alone to rebuild and become a strong nation. we do not want to become a Hungarian vassal or puppet state as you are now trying to make us. We are glad that we have had some of our territory returned to us but we want to be in control of our domain as well.

We realize that Hungary currently has an enormous population and many active and strong players. We also realize that there is not much we can do to stop you from keeping us under your boot...yet. But, we ask you to remember that you too once had a small population and had a large boom which allowed you to become more powerful. This can happen in Ukraine as well. You can either take this opportunity to let us prosper and be our friend or continue to enslave us and make a bitter enemy. However, one day that boot may be on the other foot.

Ukrainians want nothing more than to control their own destiny. We want our own country controlled by our own people. We stand for democracy and a free market economy. We do not want to be isolationist. We want everyone to prosper along with us.

It is your choice Fabian and those that pull on your strings whether you want us to be friends or enemies. With the amount of enemies you already have in the eWorld it may be wise to start making more friends. The last couple of days most of the laws your government has been passing have not been in the best interests of Ukraine and we beseech you to listen to the voices of the Ukrainian people.

Do not stifle our businesses or our economy. Do not pass laws that hurt the Ukrainian people and simply drain our economy into your private accounts. Become our friends or there will be a day of reckoning somewhere down the line.

Friends or foes? The choice is yours!

A kobzar at the crossroads sits
And plays to pass the hours;
Young men and women round him seem
To bloom like poppy flowers.
The kobzar plays and blithely sings:
In words the tale is taught
How Mogols, Poles, and Muscovites
Have with the Cossacks fought,
How early on a Sunday morn
A crowd has made a rally
To bury a young cossack bold
Deep in a fair, green valley.
The kobzar sings so lustily
Misfortune seems to smile:

"There was a time when hetmans ruled-
Lost is that ancient style;
There was a time when we were lords,
But gone are all those days
Yet cossack glory we recall
In never ending praise...
O Thou Ukraine, my own Ukraine,
Dear mother past belief,
When I recall thee, native land
My heart is pained with grief!
What happened to our cossack realm,
It's leaders red of cloak?
Where are our fate and freedom now,
The standards of our folk?
Where are they all? Consumed in flames.
Or did the wide blue sea
Drown all thy mountains in its depths,
Thy mounds sublimity?
The hills are mute; the sea roars on;
The mounds in sadness stand;
Over the cossack's children now
There rules an evil band!
Roar then, O sea! Be mute, ye hills!
Blow, wind, across the plain!
Ye children of the Cossacks, weep!
Your destiny is vain!

Glory to Ukraine!