Open letter to the UK

Day 480, 04:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar

This is addressed to citizens of the UK, but also specifically those of the North West and my fellow Communists out there.

I'd like to apologise.

And I'm apologising about something which a few of you may have noticed now - but I'd like to say it myself and disperse any untruths that may be in the thoughts of people.

I am now in the second term of serving in the House of Commons for the North West, as a PCP MP. In my last manifesto I promised high activity and involvement in a number of areas to achieve goals I set.

And I have already failed those goals.

Just after March came around, I experienced some issues in real-life (which I will not go into, so you can put away the violin) which distracted me somewhat. I am also now incredibly busy preparing for my 17 GCSEs which are in May. Meaning that for barely a week I was able to try and attain my goals, which I promised to every person in the North West in the election.

It's simply not fair. I was voted in for promises that I can't now keep, and I'm in the place that someone else could be in now and actually be able to put the effort in.

I would if I could, as I really enjoyed my first term, but I'm barely able to come on twice a day. Three times if it's brief. Just long enough to make, I don't know, a forum post or a vote in a Congress Proposal.

However, I'd like to point out that in my first term I received £400 from the Bank of England for Congressional funds. I have donated every penny of that to the Manchester City Council, and even more of my own money. As Nixon once sai😛 I am not a crook - although I'm not lying.

So, to the PCP: I will not be able to take part in any of the discussions, come up with any more ideas, release any more PCP articles or get involved any more because I just simply can't, regretfully. You are a great bunch of guys.

To the North West and UK: I wouldn't blame you for wanting to come at me with pitchforks or flaming torches, but I would like to say that I will continue my term voting in Commons and in the game as well as do my best to do absolutely everything I can with the time I have currently.

And to my colleagues and friends, Teh User and Tommy: I am glad to have been able to work with you, however briefly. I hereby resign from the position of the Information Director in the MCC - I'd like someone to be able to get involved more and all I'm doing at the moment is standing in the way.

I'd like to be able to say that I'll be back properly sometime, but I just don't know.

So, kinda lingers.

Thank you,
Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar.