Open letter to the eBelgium government

Day 814, 15:00 Published in Belgium USA by Palodigon

First off I'd like to point out that the official eBelgium forums can be found here:

Now for my real letter.

I've only started playing erepublik actively again for a month or two now. And eversince I became active again, doing more than the daily working and trainging, I noticed the lack of competence of the current government.

I don't want to bitch about what a bunch of retards you guys are. I'm not that kind of guy, I too want the best for eBelgium and want it to be a flourishing state. That's why I'm writing this letter, out of concern.

Now let's get to the point here. I've been checking the forums daily and have also actively joined a debate every now and then but what I have seen astonished me. Let me rephrase that. What I didn't see astonished me.
I didn't see anyone of the government taking control of the situation. Everyone's been japping about Thomasred being able to keep his function as MoD or not. A thread of 5 pages!
that's all the government seems to have done the last month. Talk about someone.

eBelgium is in a crisis at the moment. We could be PTO'd or attacked my a foreign country any time now. Someone needs to take control and our current president doesn't seem to be able to do so.
Our law book is empty. Nothing has been discussed, no decisions taken.
No actions have been taken to stabelise the economy. Nothing at all.
No actions have been taken to form a political environment in wich eBelgium can live. I have seen people discussing about wether a vote is valid or not. This is because there are no rules. Nothing has been done.
Belgium = Anarchy

So I ask to you, politicians, congressmen, and members of the government of eBelgium.
Do something! Today!
Work on laws
brainstorm for ideas
make plans to form a healthy economy

because if we continue like this, believe me, eBelgium would be better off being a puppet state of god knows what alliances exist nowadays.
