Open letter to Spanish government from the Entente Security Council

Day 764, 05:14 Published in Spain France by Entente Cordiale


Yesterday France and its allies in the Entente secured Poitou Charentes. The Entente has thus fully accomplished its objectives and opened its way to Aquitaine. Surely, you might be thinking now — “The Entente managed this merely because we had been spending 500K damage in Liaoning. They have no chance against us in a face-to-face battle”. That’s true – the three countries together are no match for Spain, you outnumber us both in firepower and population.

But the next time precisely the same mishap could happen – Aquitaine or Rhone Alps would be taken when you are busy at the next Eden objective – Hellokitty. And busy you will be indeed there.

As the epic battle of Hellokitty starts you will not dare to leave a soldier at home – every single fighter in a battle against Hungary would then matter. You won't let your allies down, will you? And you can rest assured, that means that by the time the Hellokitty battle is over you will have another occupied French territory lost.

You could, surely, option for a counter-attack right away. This will activate a big variety of the French MPPs – now the French get themselves more equipped than three weeks ago. And again, the next time you engage in Asia you may find Entente troops by the border of Pyrenees. Will you let your allies down this way? I am sure you won't.

The Entente does not wish to take sides in Eden/Phoenix battles by default. We are neutral and have no intention to join either Eden or Phoenix. We allow each country to carry policies of its own and every country of the Entente tries and builds its good relations with countries, not with alliances. This policy is based on the simple principle – to opt for new friends, not to make new enemies. We want our alliance to be about friendship between the countries, not hatred towards other countries. That is why we regard this war as the Entente versus Spain, not the Entente versus Eden – and we have full support of Romania and Poland on that issue.

You have got yet another option: call your allies to help, and, we are certain, they will help you against any newly opened French MPPs – they won't let their allies down, will they? Given the Eden’s commitment, I have no doubts that you will find yourself laying siege on Ile-de-France in no time. But, ironically, in the long run this will make things worse for you. Eventually this war will turn into a full-scale clash “Eden versus Phoenix” clash. And you will force the three countries de facto join Phoenix to defend France.

Everything in global politics (and global politics is weaved by series of Eden-Phoenix battles across the world now) is neatly tied to the world balance of strength. Three neutral countries joining one of the two alliances may tip the balance dramatically – it won't do any favor to you nor will do any favor to your allies in Eden. So, once again, why let your allies down?

I have always believed that smart people are those able to strike a deal no matter how different their position is from that of the opponent. My experience in Erepublik gives many proofs to that. So, let's face it, it's high time for the smart people to negotiate.

The contribution you demanded just after the occupation was and remains unacceptable – let's call it what it really is, plain robbery. Problems with the treasury and wrecked economy do not allow France to agree. And let be frank here, it is not time for demands, it is time for deals.

You have had your fun, Spain. You had half of France occupied for nearly a month. Now let the French have their fun of living in the country of their own. The occupation of France becomes more and more burdensome to you. French people and their allies will keep on fighting and generate new problems for you. You have many other problems to solve. So why not make peace? Why earn new bitter enemies and not try and find new reliable partners.

The ball is in your court and you have several options for the next move:

You can either do nothing and wait for our next attack – and see the Entente slowly rising against you.
Or you can counter-attack to find France have their territories back faster.
Or you can ask Eden to help and in this way create new enemies for yourself, but also for your allies.
Or, ultimately, you can wisely put aside your pride and make eWorld a better place 🙂

I believe the fourth option to be the most pragmatic solution for Spain – and I am sure we will be able to work out a mutually beneficial deal. Not to let other people down.

Rednif Tap,
Secretary General of the Entente