Open Letter To Admin

Day 4,860, 13:09 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Dear Administrator,

I'm going to send you this letter publicly. Hopefully it will stay up long enough for others to see it. I'm going to remain calm and use polite language. I trust you will respect that before you mindlessly ban my account as well.

Here's the link:

He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

The incident this afternoon was illuminating. Not knowing the particulars my guess is that it would have taken a considerable effort to individually change all those accounts to permaban. Did you truly believe that no one would notice hundred+ accounts would be unbanned and minutes later permabanned?

I don't care about the political side of this. I don't care about the nepotism implied by some folks. To be honest, I'm not particularly concerned about the game itself. My ire is roused at the ineptitude, your blatant and continuing disregard for those who play this farce of a fair and free game. I've played here for over ten years and have seen it change from an interesting simulation with admins that provided a route of communication, who actually listened to their consumers to a holocaust of epic proportions.

Marketing 101... Page one, first sentence... Give the customer what they want. Obviously there are provisos, we don't give a child all the candy they can eat. Still, the opposite is also not done. If it's a candy store, and the child would like a piece of taffy, and he has his penny, you sell him the taffy. Don't get all smug, lecture how sugar is bad and hand him a toothbrush! (Damn, I'm doing my best to remain civil.)

To the point, if you want to follow your precious TOS then by all means do so. Comb through the accounts, regardless of any consideration and get rid of the lot. Whatever the infraction! Clean your house! Do not play the hypocrite. We can tell.

And please, don't attempt to appease by hosting an event with a ridiculous amount of EBs and stingers. The above parable is not meant to infer that some goodies will make us lay down and be good little children.

You've taken a helluva hit from those of us who actually buy stuff. The screenshots are going around. We can see the effect. Yes, profit will eventually come back as people forget.

My question is simply "Why?". Do you enjoy pissing people off? Or possibly you are control freaks? Let's hope that our admins are sane, rational people who will realize this type of interaction cannot continue. We want to build the game, do you?

Best regards,