Open Forum on Defense Budget

Day 447, 14:56 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Open Forum on Defense Budget

The Reality Czech
Jan Khysl (9 Feb. 2009)

One of my main goals as Minister of Defense has been to stockpile weapons, gifts, and moving tickets to make our country more defensible in the event of foreign invasion. Unfortunately, there are many things to consider when brokering deals and I did not want to start hammering out deals without input from my countrymen. I've been trying to keep deals local and assuming that I've projected these estimated numbers:

Moving Tickets

Stockpile ~15 (enough for all members of Czech military not located in Moravia)
Cost on the free market is ~40 CZK (q1)
Total Cost: ~500 CZK


Stockpile ?
Cost on the free market ~5 CZK (q1) or ~14 CZK (q2)
Total Cost: X


Stockpile ?
Cost on the free market ~28 CZK (q1) or ~50 CZK (q2) or ~ 125 CZK (q4)
Total Cost: X

Basically, I need to fill in the ?s. How many weapons and gifts (and of what quality) have been giving me trouble. The free market price is higher than it would be when a real deal is created so I altered the final cost on the moving tickets. Tell me what you think. I already sent a budget estimate to radim (which is probably way higher than it will be), and I'd like to get something more solid together.