Open Apologies to Banach, RiffWire, and Alaricus

Day 637, 10:34 Published in Canada Canada by William Duncan


" Love men, slay error; without pride be bold in the truth, without cruelty fight for the truth. "


This quote from my favorite Philosopher-Saint, Augustine, is on my desktop. It's there to remind me never to confuse the man for the error or the error for the man. Essentially, it is supposed to remind me to attack bad ideas as such, and attack them on those grounds, without attacking the people who are its proponents. In my belief, only Heaven has wisdom enough to judge a man. We all make mistakes, we all mess-up, and to be "proud" and "cruel" when someone else is making a mistake, is to make you fair game for attack in regards to yours.

I utterly failed my own philosophy yesterday. I went about slaying men and error. I used the worst words, "you " and "you guys ."

To Banach, RiffWire and Alaricus, I issue my sincerest apologies. RiffWire and Alaricus, I know you not as of yet, but never would I desire to begin knowing you as opponents. We are all eCanadians, and we are all part and parcel of the same fundamental community. I have nothing but respect for Banach, and believe him to be a deservedly influential and prominent member of our community, especially because of his skill of letters, and his contributions to our country.

Also wrong is for a Minister of Government to treat his fellow citizens this way. I believe in leadership by example, and there I was throwing knives within our own community. Banach, you are right, it was "disgraceful."

Gentlemen, please forgive me.

William Duncan,
Minister of Communications

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