Onwards Irish Soldiers !

Day 814, 15:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Today Ireland crossed a threshold and entered the global erepublik world. Tomorrow Ireland will attack Norway and we will conquer Northern Ireland and bring it back into the fold. Unsheathe your swords and clean your guns we are marching on Belfast !!!

Touching Base

Im sorry to see that some believe this war is illegal. Every action taken by the president , myself and many others have been by the book. The action that some are calling illegal is the premature in game vote. The CC has said we started that vote before the Dail vote was over which, is true by a few hours. However, it does not make it illegal.

Under the War Council Act a president can convene her WC and act where the window of opportunity is short. We acted in accordance for the law and did what we felt the people wanted and declared war on Norway. The Dail voted was a needless formality in this case. However, even though it was unnecessary the vote passed a few hours after the CC's article.

Economic Situation

Ireland's economy has been suffering because of our messed up war games. As MoF I have seen wages drop dramatically and rampant over production. Our economy has been in shambles but , in these last few hours in anticipation of the war sales have skyrocketed and the national Banc had to put an extra 10000 IEP on the exchange market to cover demand. This war makes financial sense and the vision of a unified Ireland speaks to us all.

Onward Irish Soldiers, Onwards to Victory