ONTARIO: The Final Stand

Day 624, 17:41 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Today, Canadians everywhere fight for our country. Ontario, our last region is heavily under attack. We lose this, there's no more Canada. As the battle goes on, it seems that we are holding up well. But how long will it last? Will our allies save us? Or will we be overwhelmed? One thing is for sure: Ontario is proving the most difficult to conquer for PEACE GC.

In other news, Jacobi leads well against former Prime Minister, Bruck. Bruck is doing surprisingly well this election, I thought after all the hate and articles written against him, he would be down 200 or 300 votes.

Note: We've made it to the 223rd best newspaper in Canada! And it's only been around 3 to 4 days! Thank you all and subscribe! More comprehensive articles are to come!