One step forward... One Travis back.

Day 718, 08:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

So, as we all know, Travis Granger, our first Party President, has returned from his eRepublik vacation, and, thrown himself into the PP elections for us. This, in theory sounds great. Travis will bring in more people, and, more attention more our party. But, that attention is based solely on his own popularity/wealth.. And, the people brought in are… how can I say this nicely… mindless drones. They will just become an inflation of numbers once Travis has decided to leave again.
What AGW stands for also goes against Travis’s PP. In his own words he says, and I quote, “… AGW stands for exactly that. Balance. While the party can change and have all different types of ideas and issues, one thing should remain constant, the balance b/w those ideas, between the AGW interests inside the party and reflected by other parties. AGW should remain a constant of variables rather than just randomly point and click ideas.” If Travis were to become the PP of AGW, that balance he speaks of would be upset. Instead of the behind the scenes debates we have about how to better our party, and what we feel is right, we will be waiting for Travis’s words, doing nothing else. We will allow ourselves to be in a Tyranny as apposed to a democracy that we all know and love.
So, as of the writing of this article, Taco is still in the running for PP. I, as along with others of whom I’d assume to present their voices soon, are throwing our support behind Taco. He will keep the democracy, listen to our party members, and continue our Party into prosperity and success.
Now, I shall end with a quote I seem fitting, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not so sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein.
-Tenshibo, Journalist
