One of us.

Day 2,101, 13:05 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

Hello! My name is Aultman and I have been playing this game for a decent chunk of time (since Dec. '09).

I tried most of the long lasting political parties, and in all honesty I have felt the most enjoyment while with New Era.
This party is fun. After all is that not what this is supposed to be? A game for enjoyment and entertainment. A chance to spew forth some of that insanity that you must hold in day in and day out in the real world.
Here at New Era we like crazy. We revel in that stuff and in the end come out covered in it. Like a snuggie.

We believe in forthright conversation and communication between members.
I think Big Ant is a nutter the majority of the time. See? He is/was one of us and I forthrightly communicated.
We like newbs. No newbie bashing. Seriously.
That's just not a smart idea so we don't like it. We like to take you sweet young things by the hand, make you understand and show you so much about life, love and adulthood. We introduce you to the eWorld and all of its triumphs and warn you of its foibles.

So join us. Join me. Let's have some fun.

Good luck and don’t get pregnant,