One more time Colorado

Day 581, 02:46 Published in USA USA by Aang Airbender

Colorado, I am going to give it one more try.

Today, I throw my hat into the ring one more time for the Centennial State.

Colorado politics have been very rowdy as of late, and I would like to touch on that before I go on to my platform. Last month, a man by the name of Finnier won the congressional seat from Colorado; it was later found out that Finnier had not been completely honest with Colorado as he has since been Permabanned from Erepublik. Once again, Colorado finds itself without representation.

There will be familiar characters around the state this month, you will hear from me of course, but I am sure you will also find yourself being messaged by Ajay Bruno. I am also sure that you will recall the unfortunate campaign that happened last month. I would hope that Ajay Bruno will keep the tone that he has set in his platform. I would like for both of us to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.

In a new article published on the 21st, Ajay Bruno apparently wants to run for President and Congress at the same time! I ask you, the people of Colorado, do you want a part time Congressman or do you want someone who is working for you full time? That Article can be found here:

Now we can move on to more pressing matters for our State and our Country. A lot has changed since I won the congressional seat in March.

The first subject I would like to write about is foreign policy. The big news here is that Atlantis is officially dissolved. What does this mean for the USA? It means that we now have to find our way through the wilderness of the world and hopefully find some friends along the way. Another Alliance is certainly possible if not probable, and I for one am never against making new friends and allies. Of course we do have to make sure that we make alliances with countries that share some of the same philosophies and ideals that we do, but we also have to find allies that will work with us on matters of trade as well as foreign policy and military actions.

Our military has been active all around the world, and is getting stronger every day thanks to the war games and the funding they are receiving from Congress. That funding is supplied because of the PANEC taxes that were put in place a few months ago. I believe that Mr. Bruno would support lowering these taxes, thus making the funding go away for those important military ventures such as the current war games with Ireland. This would be a misstep for the country, without those war games, our citizens will not be able to keep up with the PEACE machine! I believe that our military and our country will benefit from any new alliance we may get into or create; we need to start the process of figuring out who can be trusted allies and who needs to be held at arms length.

My views on trade has shifted somewhat due in a large extent to the cooperation of some former Atlantis Allies to lower their tariffs on imports into their respective countries. This in conjunction with my now moot argument about Romania being a protectionist with their extremely high tariffs on oil and Iron has led me to be a promoter of lowering our import taxes. I know that I was staunchly against this before, but due to the circumstances above, I have indeed changed my mind, at least temporarily to see what affect it will have on the world market when it is implemented. If we find out that it has little or no benefit to us, or it is very detrimental to business in the USA, I will then promote higher import taxes as needed.

America is on the correct course. I praise President Scrabman for all of his efforts, even when some things did not turn out as well as we had all hoped they would. All branches of the government are now working well together and accomplishing many feats. I intend to continue supporting these efforts if elected to a second term as your congressman.

Colorado deserves a representative that will not quit and will not cheat; Colorado deserves a representative who will be there. I have been there in the past, I am here now, and I will be there in the future regardless of the outcome of the June 25th elections.

As usual, I ask for your vote on the 25th of June. Please do your research on all candidates, read newspapers and keep yourself up to date in the E-world. I would rather loose an election than win by the votes of those who have no idea who I am and or what I stand for.

Remember, A vote for Aang is a vote for experience and leadership; and not using the voters of Colorado as a stepping stone to the Presidency!

Thanks for listening Colorado, and If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Aang Airbender,
A.A.P. Congressional Candidate, Colorado