One more mandate for eLiverpool

Day 214, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

Citizens of eLiverpool, thanks to each and everyone of you who believe that i'm doing my job well...

This time you had a choice of two alive candidates and one half-dead... I was happy to see CBall on the list of candidates, as we had some conversations with him before (hope to have more in the future) and I really think he would be great mayor... Sad thing is that only one can be elected...

Also I was shocked to see TRP (The Right Party) candidate for Liverpool this month. KBoomer (TRP president) is a smart guy (I really respect him), but his choice of candidate nearly killed me.. At least you, the citizens made correct decision and he only got one vote.... Who's that guy to vote dead for mayor? 😛

For the whole next month I'll continue to watch after your health, will give out gifts to those who will need it... Would like to worn you in advance, that no abuse of NHS (National Health System) service will be available. No one who has a job, trains, but is not buying food (after being told to do so), will be eligible for gifting. The same was last month so you all know that.

This month Regional Council is planning some cultural events, so keep in touch not to miss them. Most likely it will be some article competition with quiet addicting money prizes... 😉

Feel free to contact me, if you have any issues or questions.

Thanks for reading,
Mayor of eLiverpool