One from a Friend

Day 879, 14:16 Published in Netherlands India by khasim">
This is the first time that someone has actually sent me a PM with a joke.. So I decided to publish it 🙂
BTW, this one is from my friend Porosus


Mr. Schmidt was invited to speak at the local elementary school on Armistice Day and tell the children what it was like growing up in Germany during the war. When the bell rang Mr. Schmidt was introduced and the children grew very quiet as the elderly gentleman walked slowly to the front of the class.

"Ven I vas a very small boy, I remember like it vas only yesterday. I vas standing in ze field near our home ven out ov da sky came dis terrible thunder and six Fokkers came screaming down toward da ground. Zer guns ver blazing und ze ground around me erupted from ze bullets of doze Fokkers."

Of course the children began to giggle because of the old man's words.

The teacher, Mrs. Jones, cleared her throat and said patiently to the old man, "Mr. Schmidt you should tell the children that when you say Fokker you are referring to the Focke-Wulf fw 190, a German plane in World War Two".

"Yes, but those Fokkers were flying Messerschmidt."