One Entire Year?

Day 954, 17:28 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

So I've been around for a little over a year now. And I could say I accomplished a lot, but not in comparison to others.

My first day in, and I'm watching the Ajay Bruno/Harrison Richardson debate. Naturally I get in some blow about rimjobs, since they were all the rage back in the day. Don't ask me what Woxan and I did in our spare time ;_;

From then, I piddled around in the MI for a couple of months and decided to join Congress. That failed miserably. I headed to the UIP to try and become a senator, but instead became Chief of Welcoming. Let's be honest, that's not a job. That's a funny name. How can I welcome someone? Well I got fired from that job, and it pissed me off. So I left for the AAP. But I was CTF Director for a little while in there, that's cool. I'm the reason the CTF is in State now, and not a tiny piddling little office in the CIA. I'm the reason Bradley Reala is Secretary of State, /me continues endearing himself to SEES o/

Woot woot, I become a senator for two terms. Third term, I'm suddenly Speaker of the House. Now I'm thinking, WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN. So I clean up Congress, make committees a little prettier, start a Jude Connors scandal, impeach Jewitt, etc.

Then somewhere in there I ran like all of Interior, and Jude fired me and stuff, but I still love him.

So then I joined the TC, quit, went to Australia (start loling now) and came back after like a month. Fionia's married Devan, Joe, and Brad now. Continue to lol. Went back to the TC, became Deputy Secretary of Interior, ran some MM campaigns, got a girlfriend, etc.

That's fingerguns's leg.


People I Want to Thank

Woxan - For being the shit.

Cerb - For keeping me here, though I'm not sure why.

Nicolae Carpathia - For teaching me how to play this goddamn game.

Bradley Reala - For being a G.

Emerick - For taking my innocence.

Rheinlander Von Phalz - For being one of the hardest working individuals I've ever met.

Fionia - For bringing the wedding cake.

Fingerguns - For being sexy.

Lord Pariah - For being my bro, literally.

GoBucks - For selling me my Q4 House for like 9 GOLD.

Panther - For being incredible in every way.

Jasper Ferguson - For protecting me from the nefarious evil that is Party Politics.

Shada Aeon - For being the scapegoat.

cesog fillireb - For being the spy.

Astra Kat G - For being a sweetheart.

Hadrian X - For being one of those guys I friended a day into my eLife, never met, and then realized you ran the Army.

GF - For raging all the time.

Jimmy Olsen - For being an all-around cool guy.

Harrison Richardson - For being my hero :3

Mr Woldy - For being my British Buddy.

Onishi - For insulting me a lot.

JP - Same reason.

Rainy Sunday - Just because 😃

Choc - Because he wants to be here.

Yeah, everyone does these.
