ONE And The Alternatives

Day 1,530, 14:05 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Well my article about how the war started stirred up a debate about how we should never have joined ONE and about how often we switch sides so i thought i would present the pros/cons of ONE and the alternatives

ONE: background

Full name: Order of New EWorld
Formed from the reminant's of PHOENIX
Small military alliance

Support of Serbia and Poland two of the most powerful countries

TERRA hate us for joining
EDEN hate us for joining
TERRA + EDEN = TEDEN= Death for ONE nations

Join EDEN (Bad idea)
Join TERRA (Bad idea)
Form a new alliance with neutral nations and some other ONE nations (Better idea but still bad)
Become neutral (REALLY bad idea)

We cant join TERRA or EDEN partly because we loose the regions they have unless they agree to release them and I doubt they will they already hate us for switching sides AGAIN

Becoming neutral leaves us unguarded so TEDEN can still attack with no chance of support from Poland or Serbia or any other ONE nation

Forming a new alliance would not be an easy task but may be our best shot if we dont stay with ONE with in-depth negotiations with neutral nations and some of our ONE allies could give us a start but the challenge is out numbering TEDEN without using weak nations to shield us on top of that it leaves us open to ONE and TEDEN.

So we have no easy option we will be in for a lot of hard work no matter what we do it will be long and hard but we cannot give up we must hold the eUk and regain our lost regions I will be behind you all and so will every man of the British Foreign Legion.

Remember even the smallest resistance can stop the most powerful army (Look at paper logo)