Once more unto the Breach

Day 1,547, 10:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Good afternoon,

In just a few hours we will be facing the party presidential elections all over the eWorld, this is a time when people organize to keep parties from being overran by political opposition, when people strive for a voice in their nations, when the future of many nations is decided in a single day.
Many are the candidates for the office of party president. I am one of them.

I am seeking the office of party president of the Irish Independence Party, a party which has been around for quite a while.
The party has had its ups and downs throughout its time, however, never has it been very stable.
A party needs stability to be able to function properly and prosper.
The Irish Independence Party has for far too long jumped between being a hotshot party to just a few days afterwards being nullified. I am willing to change that.

I believe that this party holds great potential, and that it without any doubt can rise to being the number one political force in Ireland, and stay there.
Our party has many members with great potential, many members ready to take on responsibility, many members ready to carve our path to success.

However, there is a problem.
Our members do not realize their potential, they do not realize the potential of our party, of our community, the strength that we together hold.
This problem is everywhere these days, wherever you turn, you see inactivity and doubts.
However, there is a solution.
I believe that if one person realizes the amount of potential the group holds, he can influence the others, he can make them realize the potential of the group.
All this party needs is a leader. A leader willing to lead the party, a leader willing to put effort into the party, a leader willing to organize the party.

Should I get elected, I promise to do my best to enact the following:

* Articles are to be published from the party in order to gain more members and to inform the public about our party.

* Messages shall be sent out to each and every party member with advice, help and offers to help the party, and through that Ireland, grow in activity, numbers and strength.

* I promise to create an official party IRC channel. It is my fair belief that IRC is a simple and effective way for quick communication and easy entertainment between people, and I therefore believe our party might have use for it.

* I will refer people to join us on our party forums, which are to be found in the eIrish national forums, http://eireland.createaforum.com/index.php , where discussions between party members will be held regarding our for example candidate for president, our congressional elections etc.

* Message all party members regarding the congressional elections to encourage our members to run for congress. I will organize the elections by referring citizens to run in certain regions etc. An article regarding the issue shall also be published.

With Reinhard von Lohengramm assisting me as Vice Party President, I believe we can lead this party to glory.

Vote for ChewChewShoe in the Irish Independence Party on the 15:th for a stronger party, and a stronger Ireland!
