Once again, I tell a familiar tale

Day 532, 10:00 Published in China China by Ragnarokz

Indeed I do.

So gather hither my children, it's time for me to tell you just how pathetic our enemies are. For once again, they, the foreign Imperialist Capitalist dogs, try to suppress us!

Us, the righteous Sons and Daughters of China! They attempt to seize our destiny, our future, our Greater China!

The Glorious Leader weeps tears of pure fury for this Grand Travesty! This Betrayal against True People's Democracy!

They will try and destroy us! They will wage war against us! But we will Prevail against their tyranny! We will sail on their gross ineptitude!

So awake proud Children of the Glorious Leader! Remember Korea! Remember China! Remember Mexico! Remember Turkey! Remember Greece! Remember all those who tried to destroy us!

We shall Prevail against all of them!

Death to the Foreign Barbarian Tyrants!