On...Wellness Packs

Day 816, 03:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

So I've hit that magic number (15) after which, there are no special perks for advancing a level, besides gold (which is a pretty sweet perk, actually 😉.

Today's issue will be discussing the level 15 perk - Wellness Packs. Also, I'll be looking at some of the services the Ministry of Work provides. First things first, let's talk about Wellness packs.

A number of you will know that on reaching level 15 citizens may purchase 40 Wellness packs a day. But I ask you...why? Most people at level 15 can fight and then will be entitled to hospital use. True, wellness pack will allow you to participate in more fights. In fact, you get 40 more fights a day!

But is anyone desperate enough to spend 80 gold for those 40 extra fights? Does anyone do so? Let me know in the comments whether you've ever actually made use of it. 80 gold is over 2400 GBP and you have to ask yourself...is it worth it? I believe the limit for those under 15 is 10 wellness packs. Would anyone actually spend more that that (20 gold) for extra fights? I don't know...you tell me!

The Ministry of Work

As I mentioned in the previous edition, I am now working in the Ministry of Work. I've received the passwords and we're well on our way. The CivGuns had a huge backload to deal with but we've fixed that, and we've set up a protocol to prevent the same thing happening to us again or to our successors. So...what are the sections of the Ministry of Work? In this issue, I'll be explaining three of those sections in brief (well...two in brief, and one in detail).

The first section is the Skill 0 employment. Headed by Meghan, the underminister (the Minister is Jamesw, by the way), this department ensures that jobs with a skill requirement of 0 are put up on the market to allow new players to start working. Those working in this department are responsible for managing companies from stocking and employing, to firing and advising.

The second section is the military supply section. This is headed by Davott, also an underminister, and is where I come in. Very basic here...we ensure that military companies are stocked with raw materials on a daily basis, and with the right quality. There's not much which effects the everyday reader here, so I'll move on to the third section, which is also run by the military suppliers.

This is the CivGun initiative. Here we provide free and cheap guns for the everyday citizen. However, there's a process.

Firstly, there are some requirements you must adhere to:

1) Have UK citizenship.
2) Live in London - however, there may be exceptions to this if orders say differently.
3) Must have at least 80 wellness.
4) Must be below level 9 strength.

Those in the Navy, Marines or Special Forces have the additional restriction of only being allowed to be topped up to 5, after the navy etc have sent their guns.

Ok...so you qualify...how do you get the guns? There are three ways to do this.

1) Send a private message to the Ministry of Economics and request your guns. If you only want your free gun, then you can stop there. If you require more, then be sure to send 1.25GBP to the organisation for every additional gun you want, up to a maximum of 5GBP for five guns.

2) Post in this threa😛 http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28569 (link not working for some reason) and let us know. Same procedure/pricing as number 1.

3) Contact us on IRC channel #freeguns. Same procedure/pricing as number 1.

I mainly tackle PM and forum requests and use IRC to confer with other ministry workers, but I do occasionally get a request on IRC so any of the three methods is good.

What shouldn't you do? Two things, mainly.

1) Send money without contacting us. Very often people just send money, without taking the time to send a PM/post on the forum/log in to IRC. This means that their request gets lost (especially with the buggy nature of eRepublik). CivGuns are not run automatically so to save time, be sure to ALWAYS contact us after you've sent money and let us know.

2) Expect automatic donations. As I said above, this is not run automatically. You have to request your guns everyday.

That covers it. The team does it's utmost to deliver guns as quickly as possible (headless chicken, dependant) and most of us reply to PMs we receive with answers to any questions you've asked or advice on how the system works. Or maybe just to say that your request has been processed 🙂.

Did You Know?

In this segment we post completely made-up facts in the hopes that an internet cult will gather to support them.

Did You Know...walking like an Egyptian may lead to amnesia?

Have a nice day!

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director.