On V2 and the introduction of the Class System Module

Day 936, 09:22 Published in USA Singapore by Tommy Aquinas

And so it begins. It has come to the point where the movers and shakers behind the New World have colluded to break their own law, the very first law of eRepublik.

All citizens are born free and equal ...

Unfortunately, in Version 2 of the New World, this will come to an end. In their preferred version of the New World, we shall witness the introduction of the Class System module.

There will be two classes, two obvious distinctions in this new module:

The Upper Class: those who are rich enough or fickle enough to pay real life money to play a browser game

The Lower Class: those who will accept their place in the hierachy of the New World, and will struggle by to make ends meet

The reality is that in this new version of the New World, those who do not pay real life money will not be able to compete with those who do. This is not just the small disadvantage that citizens currently experience, it is actually a systematic approach to reward those who pay, and punish those who do not.

It's like rl health insurance: for those who have the money to pay, you get the best of treatment. For those who can't, you're a second class citizen.

Nobody has a problem with the fact that the company behind the game needs to make money; it is a business after all. Those little boosters like Lana, or the little boosters in the new battles, that is all good and well. But changes will occur (more of which I will elaborate upon below) which will actually attempt to limit the participation of non-payers in the game. Citizens who do not pay real life money will not be able to afford to fight and keep up wellness. The battlefield will become a playground for the rich. They're limiting access to the game.

It is simply not possible for the majority of citizens to be able to earn enough gold to be able to participate.

Everything has been put in place to ensure wellness goes down and force citizens to buy wellness packs. Gifts have been removed. New citizens cannot buy houses, and often cannot afford Q3 food, which is the minimum required not to lose wellness, and that's just at a Q1. One battle mistake of not healing ruins your wellness, which noobs regularly do. With the reset of the economy with Version 2, company owners will be able to set prices higher and wages lower. Treasure maps have helped reduce the flow of gold, the average seemingly between 3.5 and 4.5 gold. Houses won't cost anything less to create, as raw materials prices will stay the same. This time however, they will collapse within a short space of time, meaning any gold you might happen to glean from medals will be spent on houses. Lower quality tickets will essentially be useless, meaning people working in ticket companies will lose more wellness. same goes for any of the construction section. Up until now you could get by on low quality food with a high quality house. Now lower quality food will be useless, meaning more people will be forced to work in higher quality food companies, losing more wellness. If you want to be able to afford anything of higher quality on the market, you will need to work longer, thus losing more wellness. Hospitals will collapse, meaning smaller countries won't be able to afford to replace them, which means citizens will either leave the country, leave the game or lose wellness. Training wars will now probably become obsolete, which means small countries will have to get involved in a dangerous real war or become stagnant. Not to mention the cost of wellness packs in tanking. The list goes on.

^ The new gold-plated Lana

Longevity and knowledge of game mechanics used to be the answer. Now those who will use the work, training and fighting boosters have a distinct advantage. There will be no such thing as being able to play the game well. You will either pay to play well, or not pay and not be able to excel.

I am not interested in paying real life money to play a game, and I'm not interested in playing a game which does not allow me to participate and play well. Are you?