On Treason

Day 1,703, 16:25 Published in USA USA by DeyoZero

The Constitution of the (real) United States of America

Article III

Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The words "Treason" and "Traitor" have been egregiously (and in my case, sarcastically) overused in this country of late.

Here are the facts:

On Day 1,688, Rylde published an article describing his anger at Israel Stevens' choice of friends.

On Day 1,689, Israel Stevens published an article describing Rylde's article as a "Betrayal".

On Day 1,695, ilmimi initiated a proposal declaring eAustralia a natural enemy of eIndonesia. The proposal would later fail.

On Day 1,697, Tetsuya Tameru initiated a proposal increasing the income tax in eJapan from 1% to 9%. The proposal would later fail.

On Day 1,698, vipescu initiated a proposal impeaching the president of eRomania. The proposal would later pass.

On Day 1,699, joohndoe initiated a proposal increasing the income tax in eJapan from 1% to 2%. The proposal would later fail.

On Day 1,700, Novembris18 initiated a proposal impeaching the president of eLatvia. The proposal would later fail.

On Day 1,701, Code-Y initiated a proposal declaring eUSA a natural enemy of eCanada. The proposal would later fail.

On Day 1,701, Evry initiated a proposal declaring eCanada a natural enemy of eUSA. The proposal would later pass.

A substantial portion of the eUSA's player community, as well as players in several allied nations, have characterized the last of these events as "Treason".

I characterize this reaction as "Madness". Also "Syntactically Inaccurate". Whatever mistake, malice, or madness underlies Evry's proposal, it does not match any existing definition of "Treason". Neither does any reaction I have seen to the proposal.

There are no traitors here. There are trolls. Of course, there will always be trolls.