On the War with Theocrats

Day 657, 13:25 Published in Japan Poland by Parrot

So, recently, we, as the nation of Japan, have been doing battle with the Theocrats in an attempt to return South Korea to proper hands. Now, we've been having a hard time doing this. Politically, our loss was slim; off by a vote. Militarily, we've lost every battle. We've been winning for the first 23 hours, but losing that last one.

With that being said, I feel the need to speak up.

Guys, we are weaker than the Theocrats by several fold. They are much better at fighting than we are. If they wanted to, they could take over the nation of Japan with ease. The fact is that if they tried that, though, they'd be overrun by immigrants who'd vote a new government in power and in the end, cause them to lose power.

Now, I'm not trying to be a naysayer of Japan. But, I used to be a Theocrat. I used to work with these people and fight by their side. When Switzerland was fighting in the World War, I was there, fighting for their homeland and came over to Japan after France destroyed their nation. Before that though, we had gone to war with America several months ago in defense of Mexico. During this time, America had about 10,000 or more people in it and Switerzland had around 130. In battle, though, Switzerland did 1/4th of the damage America did in the entire war. In fact, I calculated that every Theocrat soldier was roughly 27 times stronger than the opposition nation's soldiers.

With that being said, they know what they're doing; they've got the resources to do it; and if we continue fighting them, nothing's going to happen. You see, the Theocrats aren't inherently evil; they've done a lot of good in the past. In fact, I've supported them up to the point where they came to South Korea; I thought it was wrong that they were going to take the hard work that so many South Koreans put into recreating the nation, just insult them, and take over while ignoring the people that brought the nation to that point. That is inherently wrong, and I have vehemently opposed the Theocrats and fought against them whenever I could on this point.

So guys, here's the deal: we're not going to defeat the Theocrats with military power; they're stronger than us. We can only defeat them by means of a political takeover. However, even that will be hard.

And, because of this, I believe it's in our best interest to negotiate with them. They're not bad people; just their recent actions have been bad. If we open the table, talk to them, and see if we can come to an agreement as to where both the South Koreans and the Theocrats can exist in harmony, we will be much better off; both militaristically and politically.