On...the United Kingdom Reform Party

Day 802, 13:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

I did not plan on writing this type of article...ever. However, recent events have prompted me to gather some thoughts which I would like to share with you.

As an individual, I am against party politics. Heck, I'm against political parties in general. I firmly believe that you should vote for someone based on their individual beliefs, and not because they belong to a political party. I find that political parties stifle individual free thought for a psuedo-democratic system.

This being said, the in-game mechanics of eRepublik are set so that participation in the political system, a module I am very much interested in, requires that one form part of a political party (except where voting is involved). For that reason, I looked through the United Kingdom's available parties (including their wiki pages) and felt that the United Kingdom Reform Party best matched by beliefs (closely followed by the Radical Freethinkers Alliance). So I joined, and two days later after I was sure of this decision I applied to join the private forum.

But let's step back a little bit. Before joining the private forum, I joined the eUK forum. When I did...I was shocked and overwhelmed. Naturally, life on the forums had begun long before I joined and so animosity among players and certain, shall we say - strange, characters were present. I felt like there wasn't much of an area for integration. I didn't expect that to change when I joined the private forum.

But it did. Admittedly, I don't post very often even though I'm on the forums several times a day. Nonetheless, I saw a marked difference between the forum as a whole and the private forum (This, in itself, serves to show that while joining the forum may initially put you off, stick around until you join a party before deciding whether to become inactive). Now, I can't speak for the situation in other parties, but when in the United Kingdom Reform Party forum I was immediately made to feel like I had a contribution to make and that in itself, persuades me to contribute. In the UKRP, one finds friendliness and intelligence...the existence of which I initially questioned when I joined the public forum where a degree of cliques and elitism seemed to run. Not true of the UKRP. And perhaps, also not true of other parties' private forums - I cannot say.

Alas, the week I joined, the party received bad news after bad news (Co-incidence...I hope so 😛) among them were the weaker congressional election results and the departure of a prominent member. This, at face value, may put people off. As far as I'm concerned I couldn't have joined at a better time. Indeed, to all of you unaffiliated citizens, now more than any other time is the prime moment to join the UKRP. The party will now begin the path to reconstruction. As established members move up in the party leadership there is a greater area for newer members to have a say in the direction and policy debates of the party offering a unique opportunity to establish oneself within the party itself.

This, alone, should not be a reason to join the party, naturally. But if you feel that the UKRP is the party for you, join us right away. I'm a new member too and with the freshness and new ideas we will bring to a party filled with experienced and knowledgeable members will only strengthen our position in next month's congressional elections and far beyond.

Make the leap!

Did You Know?

In this segment we post completely made-up facts in the hopes that an internet cult will gather to support them

Did You Know...every time someone votes for this article, a new Shaytards vlog is uploaded?

Thanks for reading 🙂

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director