On the recent events and what contributed to them

Day 4,154, 15:48 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mael Dunbar


I have the feeling that debate has hardened lately, and things like party politics blown out of proportion instead of the normal profiling of a party.
Innocent jabs, jokes and ‘playing at politics’ have been misconstrued as serious and personal attacks. This is not how I remember eRepublik, not even when I just came back over a month ago. It is recent events.

Being critical of an idea and critical of a person are two separate things entirely. But it is easy to misinterpret written messages, even with smileys and such. But it is important to make the distinction and not read too much into things.

So, for future reference: articles in my newspaper published under the I&W title are ‘politician Mael Dunbar’, please read them as such (political profiling), not as personal attacks. While they contain truth, it is ‘dramatized’ for effect. My personal papers are of a whole different tone and contain more personal views rather than party views.

I also want to point out some things I could miss around here, in terms of behaviour in discussions that only add fuel to the fire, either intended or not.

From the replies in this article:

Calling me a lunatic in one reply, in the next one trying to paint me off as a liar (attacking the credibility of an opponent), followed by saying that attacking the credibility of your opponent is not a good idea.

I am not sure what warrants such high school girl style slander and manipulation from Janty F, but I think we can all agree this is not constructive behaviour. He should know, he does not hesitate to point out how hurtful it can be when someone else does it:

A bit dramatic for my taste, but: practice what you preach.

Don’t make/take it personal. Don't make/take it too serious either, it's just an online game (most) people play for fun.
Yes, people are bound to have different ideas; Learn to deal with the idea instead of targeting the person speaking it. Keep perspective.

Same goes for not replying on PM’s. I notice a trend in DemNL, even though Janty F very recently (today?) became a member of VN. Lets hope the trend does not spread.
Am I on a blacklist somehow for some reason?

The messages I sent were just a request for information on one of the CP’s members of government, the second a PM to offer help on the MoF department (after two recommendations to contact him from other people), with a reminder on the first request, so it can't be the message.

No reply is just very impolite. If you’re not interested, just say so. Even a simple ‘fuck off’ is better communication than not replying (again that high school girl behaviour), although not recommended. But at least it is an answer.

I see this unconstructive behaviour on occasion from other people too, these were easiest found examples. You can't treat players like this and at the same time wonder why there are so few active players...

Food for thought, free of charge.

Kindest regards,

Mael Dunbar