On the other hand

Day 4,239, 12:56 Published in Estonia Estonia by Mixliarder

Like always - conflict has the other side. Nothing is black or white. So let's start...

...So the RTG posted an article where (long story short) he claims that I have been such a bad person to all people in this beautiful eCountry. I am not really eager to address all these accusations, but let me clear a few things:
1. I have never taken BH/SH medals from anyone (except RTG that took some of mine first). I have always encouraged people to fight and get some, some time in the past I was sending free food, weapons, and I am always ready to help. IF I took any from other, I only defended. Never stole from anyone. So please, hold your horses...
2. All the drama started since Rondelek came to Estonia and Rait started to attack him, it was NEVER the opposite. What followed (common stealing, insults, all the drama) was just a reaction to Rait's action. That's a fact. Rait never wanted any not RL Estonian to have a place in eEstonia. But neither he wanted to do something for the community, which, thankfully, he admitted in one of comments. Paradox?
3. I am not a conflict person. I always try to find a peaceful solution for every problem. That's why Estonia has been in stable situation with 100% food bonus for the last year because the external politics is working just perfectly.
Same thing applied to Mix-Rait relation. We had up and downs, but I DID offer a peace several amount of times - pity it was forgotten by you, Rait. And more pity - it was ignored by you. So how did you want to proceed with that? I did all I could to be friends with you, you just didn't want. I am not a fairy to cast a spell and make you tolerate me... You would never, because I am Polish. Just admit it, like you admitted in our private messages.

4. Presidental problem. That's the root cause. Well, truth is that I would happily take a break from the game (maybe forever?) if someone wanted to take over all the responsibilities that come along with being CP of eEstonia. It's not easy, it never was since the moment eRepublik has become a "pay-to-play" game where citizens who buy packs have a significant advantage over others. That's a fact, a very sad fact and I am personally against packs, but I do follow the rules, don't want to stay behind. But back to the topic - for the last years I have been asking people around if they want to help in government or to be president [INSTEAD OF ME] . A few of them helped in Air Project (thank you very much BM_investor, Vambola Vikat, Kronor, Peacilyk and maybe others I have forgotten), that was meant only to give profit for Estonians. You even accused me once I shouldn't have taken any money... well... truth is I put more to this after Plato closed the Plato Fund, than I ever got from it 🙂

However, practically no one wanted to be president. I don't know why. Maybe because of Training Wars? You said Estonia needs only 1 TW for Estonians to take medals. It's not truth. If we had 1, I would be accused of being too intrusive in battles and taking medals (I have Legend 17 rank after all). That's why there are many, so that those with higher strength can get some. And I can see BM, Kronor, you Rait and others taking them. Now even Oliver came back from eRussia and is taking some, which is nice. So please don't tell Estonia doesn't need TW, because as you can see, we must find a place.

I regret a few things that happened between us Rait (e.g. dirty messages between us), but I will never understand why you never tried to work on a peaceful solution. You were just putting claims "kick Rondelek out and we can talk", and all such stuff. It's not conversation, it's bossing around and giving commands. It's not the proper way of talking.

It's not like I love to be president. I do, but I also don't at the same time. It takes a lot of time to me to cover things and I believe I have more interesting things to do in real life. But I have been leading eEstonia and made it stable not because I wanted, it's because I felt it's my duty after you accepted me, when I resigned from playing for ePoland. It was my duty to help, and I feel I did, because even at current moment when whole world is at war and even so called "our side" is losing, we are still here.

So well, not sure what to say more here, but there is always something on the other hand. And it's a pity to see you go, but I am a bit jealous of your courage, as we all should leave this slowly dying game 🙂
