On the matter of censorship and a disgruntled MP!

Day 663, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Britain

Whilst pushing for access to the commons for those who stood under your banner but are deemed American spies due to circumstantial evidence, (mostly that they moved to the UK when our countries were at war and JUST BEFORE citizenship and have friends such as high ranking military and politicians)
You have inadvertently caused the very thing you were fighting against. For the people to have more say in the matter, for an elected congress to make decisions, because now that certain congressmen have access, the HoC will be given NO information because of potential leaks and the threat of the enemy knowing all our secrets.
So I would like to thank you as a HoC member for severely reducing my ability as a congressmen to act on behalf of the people that elected me and make informed decisions.
IndieKid, Disgruntled MP

A few weeks ago, this letter from IndieKid, MP for Yorkshire and Humberside, arrived on the desk of Free Britain. As an organisation dedicated to free speech, integrity and transparency of government, we decided to get in touch with IndieKid. Although his letter was addressed at our campaign for a fair deal for elected representatives like Wingfield and Detroit, we felt that it was only proper of us to try and address IndieKid's concerns, and open a dialogue on the matter! The main crux of the issue; that there is a growing effort to undermine the ability of Congress to effectively do it's job on behalf of the people. So we invited IndieKid to come and talk to us about his concerns!

IndieKid, tell us a little about your history here in the new world

I first joined the New World (and the eUK) way back at the end of November last year. At that point, we were in ATLANTIS and it was soon after we were plunged into the French Toast invasion. I remember frantically fighting down to 30 wellness, to gain enough EP (experience points) to run for congress, which I did, under the UKRP. I won my first election on Christmas Day with a landslide majority of 12 votes (amazing, isn’t it?) However the party was inactive so I quickly joined the newly formed MDU, a small party aimed at challenging the political elite. I was re-elected the next month in my native Yorkshire and Humberside, and working closely with Iain Keers and Count Drakula founded the very first post Beta Regional council. I then left that month for India with my new business partner David Forde (He spent lots of RL money on the game, went on to basically be the father of India, funded lots of state run companies and became president) who was just a noob at the time. I set up a gifting company and tried to impose an NHS system onto the country through my new political party. However I found the country to be a true one party state which is good for the country but not really any fun. Moving on, Indonesia PTOd (Political Take Over) the country despite our best efforts and I fled the country as a refugee. I returned to the UK and joined the paratroopers for a month, serving in Romania when we were still fighting PEACE and when the joining requirement was 70 damage with 100 wellness/Q5 weapon, a figure I beat with a Q1 weapon today

I then accepted Big Boy Bulley’s invitation to join him and a band of explorers in the Philippines to help them rebuild their country, which I did for a month before returning to the UK and joining the UKRP again (it had become more active and the MDU had fallen apart) and serving another term in congress. However I was driven out of the party by a few individuals and joined the RFA where I have been ever since (apart from the month when I joined a failed attempt to restart the MDU).
After that I just drifted for a bit, but lately I’ve been getting back into politics, I recently took the top seat in my local congressional elections and am a prominent member of the eUK political community.

A couple weeks ago, you wrote to Free Britain (letter at start of article), regarding the issue of elected representatives Wingfield and Detroit. Can you tell us a little about your feelings about the election of the two men? Did you trust them, and has your mind changed?

I believe that whilst they may or may not have been elected fairly (they moved over from the USA before citizenship, others might have too) there is clear and sufficient evidence to link them to high ranking American officials and even looking back through their shout history reveals interesting reading. They both are supportive of the American administration and wingfield talks of ‘rebuilding the Old Alliance’ which is taken to mean trying to overthrow a PEACE government from the inside.

In your letter to Free Britain, you suggested that the entrance of 'suspected spies' could actually harm the cause of increasing the role of Congress. Can you tell us, to your mind, what the presence of suspicious representatives would do to Congress' role?

I think that for many months it has been leading up to the situation where congress cannot be trusted. We have had leaks before, such as when EJPayne leaked that we were planning an attack on the Netherlands and there have been other specific examples. This month however, it has been more out in the open as 2 candidates who were obviously involved in the American political/military scene have come over here just before citizenship at a time when our countries were practically at war and have got elected and there is little or no sensitive information being passed down to congress.

In the current political climate, would you think it is fair to say that there is a certain amount of censorship and undermining of credibility of certain dissenters?

I think the main problem with dissident is the mass amount of foreign support it gets. For example articles by the likes of the European Liberation Front and Free Britain regularly rise to the top of the country’s media and it is clear by the number of votes and comments by Americans on the article that the American administration is supportive of these organisations. This is why the credibility is undermined, because you are associated with ‘the enemy’

Ultimately, where do you think the main body of political power should lie; with the President, his cabinet and advisors, or the Congress who are all elected by the people?

I think the power should lie with the democratically elected officials, mainly with the President to make executive decisions but I also think congress should have a big role in the shaping of our society.

In a utopian society, what would the role of Congress be, in your opinion?

I think congress should be there to protect the nation and to make sure that the will of the people is being done and to check that the good of the nation is being put before the good of a small number of people. But in a utopian society these problems would not exist

Are far are we away from such a vision?

We are, but I think the struggle is much more fun and enjoyable than the realisation.

Do you feel that the threat of 'potential' leaks from Congress is a justifiable excuse for the current exclusion of Parliament from the decision making process?

I think congress has never really been involved in decision making at a high up level, the plans come to us already formed basically and we just look through them and debate the pros/cons. Now as a lot of the decisions are made up at PEACE level, there is less room for negotiation. The cutting down of red tape that has happened allows for things to take place quicker, but often it cuts congress out of the loop.

Any other thoughts or comments?

I’d like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this interview and look forward to future article stimulating debate about the position of the UK in PEACE.

We here at Free Britain would like to thank IndieKid too, for taking the step to have dialogue with us. It is our hope to be seeking to continually provide space for debate and discussion, especially in the case of those who disagree with some, or all, of our views! It should be apparent that we don't agree with all of IndieKid's positions, but we do agree on one thing; that 'congress should be there to protect the nation and to make sure that the will of the people is being done and to check that the good of the nation is being put before the good of a small number of people'.

Citizens of the eUK need to be made aware of the growing concern among many political figures, especially in regards to who hold the reigns of power in this country. It would be the assertion of Free Britain that said reigns are actually held tightly in the grip of a small number of elitists, who among them form a near unbreakable oligarchy! However, as each article is printed, as more people join their voices to the shouts being raised, those who grip tightly to the reigns are slowly but surely realising that the people are waking up to the schemes. We hope to continue to stimulate debate on this issue (among others).

This is Free Britain...over and out!

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