On The Lighter Side

Day 376, 09:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

Leafing through the recent articles and events, it's evident the eUK has a somewhat dour mood. There's war with PEACE looming (I know, the irony's dripping so much you could fill a bucket) and a vicious votes campaign is about to begin. That's why, in a break from my usual economic focus (well, if one article counts as usual) I'm going to devote the Libertarian Voice's focus to fun. It isn't a very good joke, but I hope it'll inspire others to do better!

There's a Norfolk farmer walking back to his farm from a cattle auction. He passes a Polish chap who's got a tethered horse and a For Sale sign. He asks how much the horse is going for. The Polish man tells him to name a price.

"Two hundred?" he asks.

The Polish man shakes his head. "No look good."

"Two hundred and fifty?" asks the farmer, intrigued.

"No look good."

The farmer is too curious for words. "Alright, three hundred!"

The Polish man ponders for a moment, then sighs. "Alright, but it no look good!" The farmer pays up, then guides the horse home. He soon finds, however, that it continues to fall over every few miles. He gives the animal a look over, and staring into its eyes realises it is blind. He marches back to the Polish seller in anger, demanding to know why he sold him a blind horse.

The Polish man glowers and says "I told you, no look good!"