On The Bromance And The Old Guard

Day 2,133, 13:06 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason



If you have spent any time watching courtroom movies or dramas, you have surely heard this exchange before. Its an interesting little strategic move that either a prosecution or a defense can use, to try and sway the outcome of a case. Like any strategy though, it must be used thoughtfully, and cautiously.

Why carefully and thoughtfully? Simple. You object ONCE to make it known that you disagree with an action or a series of testimony. When you keep pushing however, you make it look as though you fear the information, the action, or the person doing it, and your objection gets lost...leaving you to look poorly, and perhaps strengthening the other side’s position.

Perhaps you can recall this little court room scene...

So what does this have to do with eRep, or more specifically, eCanada. Let me elucidate the answer for you.

The recent joining of CoT, and by extension, and more specifically, the rekindling of relations between the eUSA and eCanada, has given rise to some varied opinions. While some wholeheartedly embrace this change in political winds, others, myself included, are far more guarded and at points, cynical and jaded. It is the older guard, a group of whom I am connected, that seem to be the most cynical. Perhaps it is because we were born and raised in an era where relations with the eUSA were at fever pitch, and the Bromance was something to behold...a wonder and miracle of trust in a game where trust was only as good as next months elections. To watch how far and how hard those relations fell has left those of us who knew and lived through better times, bitter, angry, and spurned. If you never lived through that era of eRep, then you never knew any better, and you probably don’t share our pain.

Those of us in the old guard, have “Objected”. We have stood up on our collective feet at this recent and sudden “Welcoming” by the eUSA and CoT, and shouted, “Objection!”. Ladies and Gentlemen, you have had your say. The articles are out there, the comments made, the shouts complete. It is time for those of us who stood up and said our peace, to now sit down and let the jury of public opinion rule. If we continue to object, then we are merely “Strenuously objecting” and we now look like extremists who fear change and are hell bent on plunging the country into crisis. For those of you who feel this is the case, let me strenuously state, it is not.

I know I don’t speak for all the old guard, but I am going to go on record publicly, right now, and state that I am done objecting. My voice has been heard, my opinion known, and now I am going to quietly sit down and let the situation play out. If the end result is that we are once again strongly allied in a Bromance that echoes what once was, then it is a victory for everyone. If we are knifed in the back, and used as a “Booty Call”, then those of us who said, “I told you so” will need to step back, be mature, and help shepherd the nation forward. That is afterall, what good and experienced leaders in game, do.

So I am asking all of you who publicly and perhaps privately, shared the same sentiments that I do around the current state of affairs, rest your case, remain seated, and lets allow the other side an opportunity to present their case. In the end, one side is going to be proven wrong, and for the first time in my life, I sincerely hope that it is I who ends up with egg on his face.

Yours In National Unity,