On June 25th, Give Your Congress Some Pants ... Magee That Is.

Day 1,676, 15:50 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Hello all, Pants Magee here to get up on my soap box and stump for a Congress seat in the Yukon.

In my last article i was asked about my goals for Congress. An excellent question. One that I cannt answer. Why you ask? What is Pants hiding you wonder? It's simple. I have not been in Congress before so I do not know fully what to expect or what effect I can have as a bearded man from the Yukon.

I would like to think that I could help bring some unity to the country. It would be nice if we could really have our military focused like a laser in our attacking and defending. There is a reason Dr. Evil wanted sharks with frickin' laser beams. They are awesome.

Anyway, Vote for Pants. I'm worth it.

At least my mom says I am. You wouldn't disagree with my mom would you?

P. Magee