On...Chat Rooms

Day 799, 03:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

Let me try this again...(I just had the entire article blanked out when I pressed publish >_&lt😉.

In today's issue we introduce two new segments. The first is the 'On...' series. This will tackle different topics, depending on my mood and will feature whenever I feel I have something worthy of an article. The second new segment (and the fourth segment of this issue) is the Did You Know? segment which I'll try to feature in every issue. But more on that later.

Today, chat rooms. When I joined eRepublik I noticed that at a certain level you could create a chat room. I thought this was pretty cool. A few days ago, as I approached level 10, I decided to look into it further and was shocked to discover that a chat room cost 10 gold. That explained why there were relatively few of them around.

Let's put this into perspective. A newspaper costs two gold and allows you to deliver a message and have people respond. A chat room does the same, but at the end of the session, your message disappears. Of course, a chat room does have added prestige and I can understand it being more expensive to pose a disincentive to the creation of many chat rooms. But 10 gold? I'd say the appropriate price would be more on lines of 2 - 4 gold (still out of my range, but at least it makes sense).

What do you think? Sound off in the comments below.


I'd just like to thank all those who donated gold over the past 2 days. It's safe to say that the Greyhound Initiative was a success! The incredible donors all requested to remain anonymous which I was shocked by.

Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the total amount donated as all of them, miraculously, asked to keep this private. I will say that there were a lot of zeros in the total number. A real lot. Too many, in fact. I'd have liked there to have been another number in front of all those zeros.

Ah well, c'est la vie. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way...log in everyday and perform a series of clicks. To paraphrase Alex Russo: "I'd [be] exhausted!"


This was not in the original article but should be included in this one. I feel I must apologise if you feel that the quality of this issue is below that of the previous one. Unfortunately, as I wrote above, my first draft was blanked due to some glitch and I had to rewrite it from memory.

Did You Know?

In this new segment, we will provide you with completely made-up facts in the hopes that an internet cult will gather to support them. Here we go:

Did You Know...90% of eRepublik users have subscribed to the Greyhound Times? Are you one of the 10% who haven't?

Thanks everybody! Goodbye!

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director