OMG! Moishe in Congress?

Day 395, 20:30 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

In just a few days there are going to be some people saying those very words - if we have our way.

But why?

Let this old fart tell you why:

1) I am not in the Clique

Even in school (way back in the Sixties) I did not fit in with the cliques. I did my own thing. I did what I thought was right. I did not follow the crowd or embrace the current fad. I set the Standards.

So what are some of the Standards?

I fight for eMerica. But I ask nothing of the Government. If I need wellness you all know who I ask. I ask my friends! And they have NEVER let me down.

I do not use the decoder. I have never condemned anyone that does. Use whatever you think will help you. But examine your own ethics. Are you victories yours? Or do they belong to that webmaster that gave you the answers? Mine are mine. I owe nothing to anybody - other than my Friends.

2) I ain't skeered

There is nothing that the current Administration can do to me to hurt me. In fact, the truth be known, they are afraid if what we will do. What is that? TAKE BACK eMERICA!

There have been questions about ethics in high places. We are going to find out what that is all about. If there is nothing wrong being done we will announce that. If there is - well - we will ensure that the culprits pay for their crimes.

3) The eUSA Army

News flash! I am all about disbanding the eUSA Army as it exists. We do not need an Army in the manner that it now is envisioned. We need every eMerican to be ready to defend their country.

When the word goes out that we have a war people respond. They do not have to be in the Army to respond. (I have fought every battle in the war against France without a single USD support from the Government.)

It is not the Government's place to provide for us. My Brothers and Sisters, WE provide for us! WE THE PEOPLE! So let us shed this shell of non-support and move on to greater things!

With the OQG in place all citizens that fight can get support. No military pay for doing nothing but lots of weapons and gifts for those that show they have participated!


4) Wars

What wars do we need to support? The wars of Atlantis? Then we let Atlantis foot a portion of the bill. eMerica is not for sale - BUT - it can be leased.

5) The economy

It is all about the economy, stupid. Those were once catch words in the RL USA. And they are just as apropos in the eUSA. Pay goes up. Prices go up. Prices go up then pay has to go up. Where is the problem? It is in the eWhite House.

Call me traitor if you want. Your words do not affect me. I am free, well past twenty-one, and able to handle myself. (But I sure miss my best friend, Chimichonga Barbosa. If you see him tell him Moishe misses him.)

These are only highlights but perhaps they separate me from the crowd. Come on people. The day after election day let's hear those words...

OMG! Moishe is in Congress!