Olympian Tax Rebate

Day 307, 17:38 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

---- NOTE: Actually, avoid voting this article up. I ended up just sending a link to all citizens of Olympia, and there is no use spamming the national media with local news.----

First off, thanks to everyone who voted for me. You've entrusted me with a third, and final, term as your mayor, and I plan to give back.

I have converted our state treasury from Gold to USD. We have 1500.

In V1, local government will cease to exist, and our treasury will disappear as well. This would be a great waste. Instead of wasting all the money, I will be withdrawing it and distributing it evenly among all Olympians who respond on the 30th of September.

You must be a citizen of Olympia.

You must respond to this before the 30th.

You must not be an SO account.

Leave a comment on this article if you are a citizen of Olympia. You will receive your rebate on the 30th. I'll be sending out a PM to Olympia's citizens with a link to this article.

Thank you for your trust, I hope to work with you all post V1 to keep Olympia together as a community.

UPDATE: An undecided portion of our state treasury will be donated to [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-1127101.html]the Olympian Red Cross[/a], a charity SO which will be used to help gift citizens in our state, run by Rillian Thomas.

I encourage everyone to get involved with this charity, as it may be one of the few things linking our state together in V1.