Old Q5 Houses: Does anyone else have one?

Day 1,189, 02:30 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

I have an old Q5 house from way back. I believe I bought it before when happiness was removed. I'm not quite sure, but it was way back. It's usually preserved in one of my organisations and transferred when needed.

In a recent thread by everyone's favourite Plato, it was stated that Q5 houses would heal 50 health a day with 50 day durability. It also said that it would affect every house apart from the ones already in citizens and organisations inventories. I was kinda disappointed that I wouldn't be able to get more health, but then I realised I had an old house that lasted longer than newer ones!

Anyway, who else owns one of these old tsunami or giant wind proof houses?

Stylish. Dunno about natural disaster proof though.