Okay UIP, lets get to work.

Day 1,184, 13:09 Published in USA USA by S-Mac31

Everyone for the most part knows about what happened yesterday in the UIP. I am writing what I hope to be the last article on this topic.

For those of you who don't know, yesterday there was a lot of confusion. In short, Athanaric got out of party votes, and people though ssomo was a cav PTO'er. Some words were exchanged, verbal shots fired, and the confrontation escalated far past what it should have.

This is what we know now

Ssomo is our party president. He has all the prerequisites to be a hell of a UIP PP. He is not a pto'er.

There was far too much drama that occurred yesterday, and I am not stooping down into it. I'm not taking a side. If our party is full of these independent men and women, than I want to see the groups involved shake hands. Today is the day this ends. There is absolutely no reason this needs to go any further than today, the 16th.

So everyone drop it. If you want to make articles choosing sides in a fight thats been over for hours, get out of the party.

Everyone in this party has a job. Now stop fretting, and go do it.

God Bless the UIP, and congratulations to ssomo.