Oh, the failure...

Day 774, 06:21 Published in Romania Romania by DasNoul
I think that at this point of eHistory we can all agree that eHungary is the complete and utter failure of eRepublik.

What is an eNation? Well, it's more than just citizens and borders with neighbouring states. Its' about the choices it makes, and the opportunities it offers to it's citizens, how other people feel about you...

Is eHungary an eNation? Well... they are an eState, that's for sure. They have an army, and a budget, and various institutions. They are also a part of an alliance.

However, they also have a governement stile that's based on populism and lying to their own people - internal propaganda, that is. Remember how Feherfola Koppany won the ellection? With the promise of controlling 4 Romanian regions at the end of his mandate. Obviously a lie, he just retreated from Oltenia, Crisana AND Transilvania!
Oh, and by the way, did you know that the eHungarian governement is the only one that has a Department of Propaganda? The Nazis had one too.

How about respect for other people? Well... if they don't respect their own citizens, you can't expect anything good from them, right? They lied to the serbs (who are now convinced that the ehungarians are their friends... so sad), they "liberated" the ukrainians, TOed their country and used it as a puppet state, they lied to the french in WW3 and refused to protect them later, they turned eUK into a dishonnorable traitor, and so on, and so on...

But their lack of honor is best seen in times of war. Now, I'm not talking about winning strategy, there are no rules whent it comes to that. No, I'm talking about abusing their allies.

Remember how they pushed eUK, ePortugal and eFrance in the war with eUSA? And how they took all the rich provinces and let their "allies" with nothing? Well, if you consider a ton of active MPPs "nothing", of course 🙂

Or the neutral eNation, like eSlovakia? An innocent victim of their frustrations caused by eventually losing the war.. "Blitzkrieg baby, blitzkrieg", they said. But what was the reson for blietzkrieg? Well obviously the slovakian were... uhmm... of course they mmm.... they had to be erased because obviously... yeah.

And remember Burgenland? They conquered that region in agreement with eAustrian governement, and later on refused to give it back. Because, Burgerland is historicaly a core province of RL Hungary. For such a small country, they have alot of "core provinces" in foreign land. Can you have more then one "core province"? Also, did I mention that eAustria was an ally of e Hungary?

Ahh... I'm to tired to go on, and I'm sure everyone got the point. Being the villain of eRepublik... just like a 9 years old, trying to play Darth Vader.