Oh India

Day 1,055, 06:00 Published in India USA by Dr. Tango

India, A great tragedy has befallen you!

You appear to not have any cheap food!!!

Now, with David and his MasterCards out of country, how will you ever feed your cows?!

Don't worry. I have found the Solution.

You see, Pakistan owns much Grain from our Eastern Provinces.

All those provinces still have grain that is getting in the way of sand.

We need to get rid of the grain, as grain is hard for the Shai-Hulud to turn to sand.

Therefore, merely send all you're cows to us, and we will get them nice and fat on grain. Then they can be honored to be eaten by those much holier than their former masters.

The Future Overlord of the Dioist Special Governing Zone Known as India.

PS: don't bother trying to troll me in the comments, I'm too busy tanking with all my golds,