Oh Hai Guise

Day 756, 10:38 Published in Greece Japan by Alfred Ball

(Me and Moot at eBirth)

I has come here to help you guys out in your awesome battle with Turkeys, I don't know about you but I did not get enough for Thanksgiving. My dear old friend Mootles has asked me to come here and help you all out. So here I am and what not I kill some Turkey's they no gobble gobble anymore, but like hey what not guys I am going to show you me and Moot's Broship album.

(I am obviously the tangerine cat cause he is blatantly the cool one eh?)

(This is me and Moot at the beach, I am the one leading the way, of course)

(I am the vicious Shepherd in this picture, Moot was always a big softie when it came to this sort of stuff)

(I told Moot there was great whites down there but he didn't listen!!)

(This is... wait how did that get in there?)

(Well this is our most recent one, it was taken today on the Aegean Islands securing some beaches and some other stuff and what not yo.)

Anyways guise that is our album of Bromance, I am with your Greeks for the duration of this war no matter what. I am not here just because of Moot I am here because I love you all you eGreeks to death.


Alfred Ball - Some Guy Who Cares