Oh Eden - What went wrong

Day 695, 13:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover
What happened it was going so well for Eden.

1 - Waste PEACE's Wellness in the battle between Sweden and the UK
2 - Eden plan a doubled attack on a Hungarian held region of Manitoba
3 -Take back the region then give it back if the original owner did not get it back

Simple you might say.

EDEN mistakes

EDEN underestimated the force behind the UK. The UK was well defended with help from PEACE. There was not an epic battle which previous citizens have encountered between PEACE and E/F.

EDEN underestimated the resolve of Hungarian forges to keep Manitoba because it is a highly region for Grain and Wood. Even when the USA managed to get it to a -500k wall last night, the brave Hungarians did not give up and continued to fight long into the night and throughout the day.
Many exchanges of gold a weapons later the fighting has subscided and Hungary has let again managed to keep it's regions out of the hands of EDEN.
The Canadians got a good fight but this was the USA war and so they tried to get as big as possible fight before the Hungarians woke up and realised. They probably hoped that Hungary might give up looking at what was going on but no that is not how our PEACE neighbours work. They continue to fight to the bitter end. Keep refreshing the page to see what happens. The wall just jumped another 50k.

The only battle that has actually changed anything in the eWorld is the UK Vs Sweden where the UK attacked after the Swedish attack of yesterday. The Wall here is very close. The UK superior population keep bringing it down but then a EDEN tank will turn up and bring it back up a bit. Currently the wall keeps going from negative to positive. I have spent my own gold to inflict extra damage to our Swedish neighbours and will spend more to insure that we get this region.

The Hungarians keep on fighting to keep EDEN and the UK just get on and claims another region.
If the UK does not win then it will be the biggest day of absolutely nothing happening in the eWORLD as all that has happened is defence of regions and Hungary has proved that is a great superpower.

PEACE continues to become more powerful and keeps fighting strong against a determined enemy.

Regards Glover