Oh boy! I'm a Congressman now!

Day 402, 08:27 Published in USA USA by Rhane

Thanks to Version 1 being cool, I got 5 GOLD because I'm a congressman. If you had any doubt of me not using any money, you were wrong, weren't you?

If you DID vote for me, thanks. If you DIDN'T vote for me, I won't treat you any different. If you DIDN'T vote AT ALL, I seriously hope that it's because you were celebrating Christmas.

Remember, folks of Kentucky. You put me here, so in return, just ask me for gift and they're yours. If the war starts back up, I'll try to have Q1 weapons available. If you're unemployed for some reason, I can provide some Q1 food.

Okay, I have to go run, so I'll wrap this up. Help is just a PM to me away.