Officially Home

Day 834, 09:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by pdiddy


I have finally returned home from my long departure. I see many new faces and a couple of old ones and I encourage any of you to send me a message so I can get to know you.

While away from Switzerland I have toured the world, but mostly I have been located in Ireland. Serving many terms as a congressman there. It was a great country, but it was time for a change and I decided on my birthplace as the best place to return to.

I was a member of the President's cabinet at the original destruction of Switzerland almost two years ago. It was a great time, but also a sad time. Many of us were extremely good friends so it was sad to see all of our work destroyed by France and Italy. A long time after that I was one of the pinnacle members in gaining funds for the liberation of Switzerland which eventually came. I wont bore you with more since you can just read my Wiki and Switzerland's Wiki for the rest.

In the end, I am very glad to be back and very proud to be able to call myself Swiss again.


Field Marshal
Former Congressman of eIreland (11 times)
Former CO of the IDF
Former Minister of Health- eIreland
Former Minister of Welfare- eSwitzerland
Former Minister of Health- eSwitzerland
Former Congressman- eSwitzerland