Official TANA Announcement

Day 698, 16:03 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

The TANA officially congratulates the admins for perma-banning Ajay Bruno! This is the last, and ultimate proof that he won his elections unfairly, and should he not cheated, the ANA would be under the right leadership today.

This event marks the ultimate collapse of the former ANA, the ANA that was the puppet of Ajay. Almost all important members of it are now in the TANA, and we also encourage any other members of the ANA to join us. That party is dead.

Let's recap how Ajay managed to destroy a well-working ANA in less then a week:

1. ANA had a relatively good period of peace, and image rebuilding under Philip Esquire. As the Party elections come, George Silver proposes himself for the first time, followed by Exilious. Ajay joins the race. ANA's downfall begins here

2.I join the race. George and Exilious retire from the race to support me in the battle against Ajay Bruno. He seems to be over-confident with victory, despite the fact that there's no-one actually supporting him. Election day comes.

3.Ajay's reaction to our campaign is that he calls me a TOist, and during the whole day he shouts and runs ad campaigns calling me, and the ones who support me, PTOers. We keep a steady lead through the day, but two hours before the end, the suddenly receives almost 20 votes in 20 minutes. Ajay wins the elections.

4.After a few hours, Ajay is banned after a report of Exilious, and I become PP for an hour or so, but the decision is revoked. Ajay blacklists almost every active member of the ANA for supporting me, asking them to either apologize, or forget any future positions in the party.

5. As a response, the True ANA party is founded. George Silver, Exilious, and other members migrate to the newly founded party.

6. In response, Ajay writes an article in which he accuses me of wasting 40 GOLD on making a new party.I reply by donating 40 GOLD to the RBSA. Ajay whines.

7.Ajay Bruno offers the position of Party Secretary to the former Party Secretary, Suileabhain. He agrees, if Ajay steps down. As an answer to this, Ajay releases him from his position .Suilebhain moves to TANA.Several other members also migrate to the TANA, making the ANA almost empty of active players, other then Bruno himself.

8.Maxpayne50, former assistant of Ajay Bruno, leaves to join the TANA. ANA looses third position in the rankings. Meanwhile Ajay proposes two things: a 50 gold donation to himself and the impeachment of the president.

9. Ajay Bruno releases a weak propaganda article. I write a parody of it.

10. Ajay Bruno is perma banned for having multiple accounts.

So, he basically managed to commit suicide, and kill ANA in one week. If that doesn't scream EPIC FAILURE!, I don't know what does. We urge all ANA members to join the TANA, to rebuild an ANA without Ajay!

We'd also like to announce that we will change our name back to ANA as soon as the old one leaves the top 5. That will happen very soon.

Party President

Note: This article originally contained links to all events mentioned, but some why I can't release it that way. Sorry about that.