Official PEACE GC Press Release: "Italy Was Totes Lame Anyway"

Day 722, 14:51 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

All your fail am belong to PEACE.

That is all

P.S. Write a wiki article about me fgts.

-Hari Michaelson

Local Pizza "Way Overrated" Report Completely Not-Bitter PEACE Officials

A shocking announcement made by the Italian government today detailed italy's intentions to leave the PEACE GC alliance. Although there had been some rumblings from France concerning the possibility of leaving the alliance along with Italy and The Netherlands, today's announcement still comes as a shock to both PEACE GC leaders and indeed the entire New World.

Not going to take it anymore.

In their official press release concerning Italy's declaration of intention to leave, PEACE officials described the entire eTalian nation as "Totes lame".

"Italy was really just, like, the token nerd." said Hungarian President Termetes Samu. "Whenever we wanted to go hang out with chicks or watch UFC they were all 'hey dudes let's go play some Magic' or 'did you see this kawaii new anime I got?' What geeks".

The Indonesian President Wonder Forward offered his agreement with Termetes' statements, adding "Seriously. I mean, check this out: We wanted to go pick on Malaysia. Sounds cool, right? But then Italy and France are all *imitating nasally voiced dorks* 'well I don't know Indonesia that sounds really mean!' Pfft. Sissies." he was also sure to add &quot😉EATH TO THE MALAYSIAN MENACE!" before leaving to oppress some other neutral nation.

Picture😛 eTaly, France, The Netherlands Not Picture😛 Hot babes

When asked for his response to the inflammatory statements made by the PEACE leaders, President Josh Frost was unavailable for comment, having left his assistant with only a cryptic note reading "I have gone to defeat the Dark Beast of Blr'ghrrugh. May God have mercy on us all."
The Muckraker: It's not plagiarism if we already wrote it!