Official Military Statement!!

Day 408, 09:45 Published in Russia Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

As of a couple days, ago, and I'm no reporter, but Foreign Legion, temporary chairman of the CPSU, has appointed me Field Marshal of the Red Army. Now a couple things, before the FRP whines.
1: Red Army would mean the whole thing, but Shafer appointed someone to the very top of the army, past the elections we held with all the parties. It now means the army of the CPSU, and as such, our commander is Mombassa. If you choose to follow him, as he is the rightful head of the Russian army, simply tell us.
2: We have better Q weapons, this is all. It is for people with a minimum of 6 str, nothing lower. Sorry FRP army, you're dissssssqualified! Creos, you're still in there.
3: Negotations with PEACE are running well, we are getting as much help as we can. Arm yourselves.
4: Fight in North Region. We need it to stay secure, because if they hit WS we're fucked. Fight for your lives
5: To get a moving ticket to W. Siberia, as all Volga-Vyatka residents should, contact me,. and if you are not common enough to be known by I, I'll require a verification from Creos, or Smirnoff.

thanks everybody. Also, copy of the log:
[12:41] Foreign Legion: Well ok Fuck everything
[12:41] Comrade Heymans: We're not saving Russia?
[12:41] Foreign Legion: Mombassa is the Red Army Commander
[12:42] Comrade Heymans: Yep.
[12:42] Foreign Legion: You are herby promoted to Field martial